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Strange But True Stories - Funny Car Insurance Claims

If we are unlucky enough to be involved in a car accident, of course it is never going to be our fault.

The following quotes show what people write on their insurance claim forms.  Apparently these are strange but true stories collected by assessors.

 Motor Insurance Quotes from Claim FormsNo Stopping in Alley

1. 'I was on my way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident.'

2. I knocked over a man. He admitted it was his fault as he had been run over before.

3. I collided with a stationary tramcar coming the other way.

4. I consider that neither vehicle was to blame but if either were to blame it was the other one (Irish).

5. I left my Austin Seven outside and when I came out later to my amazement there was an Austin Twelve.

6. Car had to turn sharper than was necessary owing to an invisible lorry.

7. To avoid a collision I ran into the other car.

8. 'The pedestrian had no idea which way to run, so I ran over him.'

9. The other car collided with mine without giving any warning of its intention.

10. The other man altered his mind so I had to run into him.

11. I told the other idiot what he was and went on.

12. A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.

13. I unfortunately ran over a pedestrian and the old gentleman was taken to hospital, much regretting the circumstances.Strange but true car crash

14. I thought the side window was down but it was up, as I found when I put my head through it.

15. If the other driver had stopped a few yards behind himself the accident would not have happened.

16. She suddenly saw me, lost her head and we met.

17. Cow wandered into my car. I was afterwards informed that the cow was half-witted.

Funny Car Insurance Claims

Motorists made insurance claims last year for everything from a frozen squirrel crashing through a car windscreen to a cow jumping on a quad bike, it was revealed last week in The Scotsman newspaper.

Freak incidents involving animals topped the list of the most bizarre claims made to insurer Norwich Union in 2005, with food-related prangs in second place.  One unlucky driver claimed to be unable to slow down because a potato was lodged behind the brake pedal, while another said a passing vehicle was damaged by a frozen kebab which flew out of an open car door.

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